Firefox Hits Mobile In 2008

Firefox Hits Mobile In 2008 Firefox Hits Mobile In 2008 Firefox Hits Mobile In 2008

Mozilla revealed their plans for a mobile version of their popular Firefox web browser.

The following excerpts from Mozilla's Schrep's blog summarizes all what Mozilla revealed:

"A large portion of the world accesses the Internet from mobile devices, and this will become increasingly true over time (mobile devices outsell computers 20-1)."

"Firefox the most popular open-source browser on the planet with > 100 million active users. Bringing Firefox add-ons, the Mozilla platform (including XUL), open source, and a large and passionate community to the closed and fragmented mobile platform will do the world some serious good. "

"You can already get a Mozilla-based browser for the Nokia N800 and Firefox is a key part of Ubuntu Mobile and the new Intel Internet Project, and most recently ARM has put serious effort towards Firefox on mobile devices. "

" Wouldn't it be great if your bookmarks, history, extensions, etc. from Firefox on your computer just worked on your phone?"

"Mozilla will add mobile devices to the first class/tier-1 platform set for Mozilla2. This means we will make core platform decisions with mobile devices as first-class citizens."

"We will ship a version of "Mobile Firefox" which can, among other things, run Firefox extensions on mobile devices and allow others to build rich applications via XUL."

"Mozilla will expand its small team of full-time mobile contributors to focus on the technology and application needs of mobile devices. In particular two new folks just joined."

"The user demand for a full browsing experience on mobile devices is clear. If you weren't sure about this before you should be after the launch of the iPhone."

"We've seen through Mozilla on the Nokia N800 and Minimo that it is possible to build a great experience on devices by using the Mozilla code."

Up until very recently device limitations required writing new mobile browsers from the ground up. Being able to leverage all the investments in the Mozilla platform across both desktops and devices is the right approach. There is far from a dominant player in this marketplace and even the best mobile browsers today have compromises in user experience, performance, and compatibility. There is still *plenty* of room for innovation."

"This project is focused on Mozilla technology that will ship after Firefox 3. We're at least as excited as you about getting Mozilla's great web capabilities into your hands, literally, but it's a big undertaking, and won't be something that we can wrap up in time for Firefox 3."