Final Fantasy XV and Assassin's Creed have a new crossover

Final Fantasy XV and Assassin's Creed have a new crossover

In a surprising move the worlds of Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy XV are set to collide in a brand new "Assassin's Festival," a free DLC pack Final Fantasy XV set to launch on August 31. It adds new outfits and weapons to the game and a brand new mini-story that sees Noctis and friends dressing and acting very much like Ezio and his fellow historical assassins.

While that might all sound ridiculous, we have a trailer to show you to prove we're not crazy. This really is a crossover that's happening.

Mainstays from the Assassin's Creed games have been brought into the game, from instant stealth kills, to diving from aloft high peaks into carts of straw, to swift parkour climbing up buildings. These are of course all blended with Final Fantasy XV's combat system and familiar faces and characters, but it's all given an Assassin's Creed makeover.

It doesn't make a tonne of sense, but it does look rather fun. And hey, it's free, so if you don't like it, no harm no foul.

The Assassin's Festival hits the town of Lestallum on August 31.