Fan film is the closest we've yet come to a Half Life movie

Fan film is the closest we've yet come to a Half Life movie

Half Life is one of those franchises that despite it being half a decade since the last title in its series, still evokes a lot of happy memories from gamers. Yes playing them now might involve some outdated and somewhat tedious physics puzzling and combat that can be a big janky at times, but it's still a part of gaming history. Which is why a movie based around the series is something people have been clamouring for for a long time and now a new fan movie might give us something close to that.

The creators are currently asking for $20,000 in order to create a 40 minute cut of the film (released in four x 10 minute episodes) and they've released a couple of teaser trailers to give a proof of concept and to show that they're willing and capable of making something a little longer.

While the short sections of live action footage aren't the greatest, like Skyline the CGI and real world footage are really well intertwined to make for a believable world. Let's just hope it turns out a bit better than Skyline when it comes to the story though.