Fallout 4 already has some great mods

Fallout 4 already has some great mods

PC gaming is arguably at its best when modding comes into play. Not only does it let gamers put exactly what they want into a game, but it means they can really play with the tools the original game makers put together, in ways that are often unexpected or surprising - like being able to drop whales from the sky in GTA V.

In other cases, like Mount and Blade, turning the entire landscape into the Warhammer Old World or Westeros and Easteros in the Song of Ice and Fire is entirely possible, only because it's not done for profit.

That's why it's no surprise that Fallout 4 already has a number of decent mods available, even though it's only been out for a few days. They aren't major content updates or game overhauls of course, it's still the same base Fallout experience, but there's some neat additions that are worth showing off.

For starters, there's the ability to place Unlimited Settlement Objects, which is great for those who have easily blown through most of the game and simply want to kit out their base with everything they can find. This is more one for the creatives, rather than those looking for a balanced in-game experience, but it's a fun one nonetheless.

How about having one of the wasteland's creatures follow you around as a pet and combat aid? That's doable with a few console commands.

Then there's advanced blood textures to make the game that bit more gory, or for a real overhaul there's the Enhanced Wasteland Project which plays with the visual settings in and behind the game to give it a bit of a different visual feel - one that's a lot more colorful.

Do you have any favorite Fallout 4 mods?