Fable 2 To 'Talk' With XBLA Games

Fable 2 To 'Talk' With XBLA Games Fable 2 To 'Talk' With XBLA Games Fable 2 To 'Talk' With XBLA Games Fable 2 To 'Talk' With XBLA Games Fable 2 To 'Talk' With XBLA Games Fable 2 To 'Talk' With XBLA Games

In a recent interview, Peter Molyneux revealed that your Fable 2 gold will be shared with several XBLA games where you may increase it or lose it.

"It's a really big thing of mine - why aren't games talking to each other, and when you say to yourself, 'Let's get games talking to each other,' then how can they talk?", said Peter Molyneux. "The idea is this: Carbonated Games, part of Microsoft, have made some great casual games, Arcade titles. They have got three titles, one call Keystone, one called Wizard's Tower and one called Mage Dice. Why not make those what we call 'Fable-compatible'?"

"And that means that when you play those [semi-gambling] games, when you win, you win Fable gold, and you can transfer that Fable gold to Fable when you buy Fable. If you've alreayd got Fable, the money will transfer automatically. If you've yet to buy Fable then your balance will be transferred. That's cool."

The mind behind Fable and Fable 2 also revealed that players willing to follow the "good" path would find it harder in this sequel than it was in the original title.

"The research that we did showed about 70 percent of people played it good, and of the remaining 30 percent about 20 percent of them started playing it evil and then switched somewhere down the line to good. So we're only talking of about 10 percent of the people playing evil. Now, what that's meant to me, because I'm a sort of vicious, conniving individual, is that I didn't do a good enough job in Fable 1 of testing what being good really was."

"In Fable 2, I think of being truly good, truly pure good - we have a couple of new scales in Fable 2, one being purity and corruption - pure good, being the purest and most noble of individuals, is all to do with sacrifice. How much are you willing to sacrifice to be good?"