Examine What's Inside the Gamer

Examine What's Inside the Gamer

A new TV show will attempt to explore what separates mere mortals from the top gamers. Ever seen one of those gamers that just dominate every game they play? Ever wonder just how they do it? Inside the Gamer will examine what makes a professional gamer just that. From interviews to top match breakdowns, Inside the Gamer will focus on bringing you the best tips from the best gamers.

With the top gamers from around the world laying down the tips, strategies, and hints, you will gain an unprecedented look into the lifestyles of professional gamers. Breaking down gamers demos and matches, will allow viewers to get an up front view of how professional gamers work their magic. Including interviews with the gamer themselves and their teammates the show gives its viewers a wide variety of perspectives on how to become the best.

The show's guests will include a variety of gamers, including experts from all different eSports titles. No game will be left untouched and unanalyzed as Inside the Gamer will include a variety of gamers giving out a wide array of tips for viewers to debate. With all the variety being given, viewers will have no problem finding the right type of professional style that blends with their own. Inside the Gamer will give the viewers the steps in the right direction, putting them well on their way to becoming the next professional gamer.

The Inside the Gamer's series premiere, will feature players from eMazingGaming. EMazingGaming just recently placed second in the Canada WCG Finals. They'll be reviewing the recent matches from this tournament, giving you the details on their team strategy, strengths, and challenges. During this exciting play-by-play commentary, they'll also be letting you know how they responded and adapted during the match.

Inside the Gamer will air on Fridays at 9:00 PM EST.