Even Square knows what the dumbest scene in Final Fantasy X was

Even Square knows what the dumbest scene in Final Fantasy X was

Final Fantasy X may not share the love that VII, or VIII might have among the series' fan base, but that doesn't mean that it isn't beloved in its own way. It certainly seems to be at Square at least, as along with the fact that it's getting an HD rerelease for the PS4 along with X-2 (why that and not VII is beyond me) Square took a moment in the new trailer to poke fun at the game's most awkward moment.

The scene in question of course is the one where as a way of motivating himself, Tidus decides to laugh quite unconvincingly at the sea. When Yuna joins in, it seems even more odd. Which is why instead of suggesting that the game 'taught us how to laugh,' Square says that that moment taught us how to be "awkward" instead.

Final Fantasy X and X2 the HD remaster is set to go for sale on the PS4 on May 15. While it's identical to the PS3 version in its aesthetics, there is a new feature that lets you switch between original and the newly recorded music.