Even developers don't like the Xbox One's Kinect

Even developers don't like the Xbox One's Kinect

Microsoft made big news this week when it announced that it would begin selling a version of the Xbox One without the bundled Kinect camera. This knocked a good $100 off the price tag and brought the whole system down to a more affordable $400. This understandably got people talking about the motion sensing, tracking, privacy invading peripheral and most of it wasn't nice.

Gamers were some of the first to get on it, with those remembering last year's Xbox One reveal debacle taking it as a chance to poke fun at the camera and how it's largely been useless beyond a few voice commands. However, as mean as the gamers were to the poor Kinect camera, the developers have been even worse.

Many of them have sounded off too in the wake of the news, with creator of the Duke Nukem franchise, George Broussard saying: "Kinect has always been a piece of shit. I'm surprised and encouraged Microsoft will sell a One without it. Good move. Faith increased."

Creator of Ridiculous Fishing, Rami Ismail said: "Microsoft, if you're taking more cues from Sony's playbook, maybe get to the page where Sony doesn't have default launch parity."

Ben Cousins who made The Drowning, said that he was at Sony when it turned down the Kinect technology because it was too expensive, leading him to wonder what took Microsoft so long.

Fork Parker said it best however: "Hey, maybe people don't want motion controls."

While I suspect I know the answer, what do you guys think of the Kinect?

Thanks VG247 for the quotes.