Eve VOIP recordings make the game seem much more exciting

Eve VOIP recordings make the game seem much more exciting

The sad fact about Eve Online, is that for all its grandiose universe, massive factions and player driven economy, the actual gameplay can be a little stale for some people. There's lots of looking over spreadsheets, setting up ranges for non-skill shots and the fact that if it ever gets too hectic, time slows to a crawl.

Still, that doesn't mean it isn't exciting and clearly if you're the kind of person who gets off on being part of gaming's most dynamic, player driven wars, then Eve is an amazing game to play. The latest trailer for the game captures that feeling and is entirely based around in-game footage, with voice recordings from some of Eve's players.

Ranging from leaders of the some of the game's biggest corporations, to individuals mining out in the middle of nowhere, "This is Eve," shows a side of the game that isn't readily available in screenshots or other trailers: the personal side.

Are there any Eve players here? What do you guys think of the way this trailer presents the game?