ET: Quake Wars Slips

ET: Quake Wars Slips

During an Activision conference call it was revealed that Enemy Territory: Quake Wars has slipped and is now expected to launch between July and September, Activision's second of its fiscal year.

iD's title was expected at the end of June, even though the game had no official release date. This delay seems to have been expected however, as most major retailers listed the game as a mid-July 2007 release. Such a minor delay is no big deal for a title that has been through frequent delays and development difficulties.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars started life as a PC title but soon spawned XBox 360 and PS3 versions. iD is acting as a supervisor on this one as Splash Damage is developing the PC version, with Nerve Software and Z-Axis handling the X360 and PS3 versions.