Episode One Stats Released

Episode One Stats Released

Valve has made public a set of statistics it has garnered from its Steam service on Half-Life 2 Episode One player behavior. These figures show that only a quarter of Episode One players have completed the game while they raise another issue regarding the use of the Steam service to collect user data.

Valve's update on the Steampowered website mentions that the data collected from players works as a form of feedback for the company and helps it improve future products.

The data released claims that over 904 thousand sessions of Half-Life 2 Episode One have been played since its launch but that only a worrying 25 per cent of players have actually completed the expansion to the Top MegaGame of 2004. The one quarter of the gamers that have actually completed Episode One have taken an average of just over 5 hours to do so while the average session lasts a meager 37 minutes. The average total playtime is almost 3 hours while an impressive 68.57 per cent of gamers play with HDR enabled.

You can visit the Steampowered website, follow download tab above, for the full stats and plenty of diagrams while users can express their feelings on Valve's data gathering policy or on the actual game itself on the Steam forums.