Epic Games VP: Second Screen Gaming Needs To Deliver Its Killer App

Epic Games VP: Second Screen Gaming Needs To Deliver Its Killer App

A lot of console games are adding support for "second screen gaming" where a tablet or smartphone is used to navigate menus or to display extra info. Some believe that this is "the future of gaming" and that all games will eventually support it.

Epic Games vice president Mark Rein believes that second screen has a lot of potential, but it still needs to prove its worth. "I think we've yet to see the real value of the second screen idea, if you're talking about SmartGlass and companion apps and things like that. But that doesn't mean that it won't be big one day. I don't really know what it is yet," he said.

"Where I really use SmartGlass is for choosing things from the menu and navigating the store instead of using the controller. It's great for watching a movie and then continuing it on my tablet when I walk away. There are lots of great uses and applications," he added. "Where it fits into gaming, I don't know. I'm not sold on picking up my tablet to choose my play and then putting it back down and picking up my controller. It's kind of a wonky way to choose a play, so I don't know if that's how it's going to go or not."

"Developers should try everything and have lots of fun with it, and sooner or later there will be a killer app for that sort of thing, too."