Epic Games' forums have been hacked wide open

Epic Games' forums have been hacked wide open

If you used a similar password on your Epic Games forum account as you did elsewhere, you better get changing them as the forums have been shut down following a devastating hack. It's resulted in the potential thievery of every user's Username, Password, Email, date of birth and any other data supplied to the site.

The hack affects not just Epic's main forums however, but all of the sub forums for its various games, including Gears of War, Bulletstorm, Unreal Tournament (various) Infinity Blade and for the Unreal Development Kit too.

Epic has apologised for the inconvenience and for the loss of its users' data. It has pledged to improve security moving forward and that it will automatically reset everyone's passwords upon the reopening of the site.

"While the investigation into the security compromise is ongoing, we are reaching out to you directly to let you know of the potential unauthorized access to information you provided at registration. It is possible that any information stored or sent by you using the forums may have been accessed. Since this is a public forum, we do not collect or maintain financial information, but we advise you to be alert for suspicious email such as phishing attempts," the email going out to users reads.

It's worth taking its advice on this one. Be wary people.