'Endless Iteration' Is The Key To Blizzard's Games Success

'Endless Iteration' Is The Key To Blizzard's Games Success 'Endless Iteration' Is The Key To Blizzard's Games Success 'Endless Iteration' Is The Key To Blizzard's Games Success

The company's lead content designer Kevin Martens revealed the key behind Blizzard's games excellence: "endless iteration".

Noting that Diablo III is scheduled for release 9 years after its predecessor and that its development time "has been extended to a surprising degree," Martens said: "Here's the secret to Blizzard games, and this is a secret that won't help any of our competitors: endless iteration. We'll take something, we'll put it in the game."

"Maybe we'll like it when we put it in, maybe we won't. We'll leave it in there for a while, we'll let it percolate. We'll play it and play it and play it, and then we'll come back. We might throw it all out, or we'll throw half of that out and redo it."

"It can be a long time, but it is fun to work on as well. That's the thing that keeps you going. Multiplayer always works, and the builds are always playable. We've played them constantly, and it's fun. You actually look forward to the weekly play session even though the game is still in progress. That's what keeps us going, and that's also why it takes so long. We'll do it over and over again until it's just right."