Earth No More, Says 3D Realms

Earth No More, Says 3D Realms

Duke Nukem: Forever is right on its way for release some time in the future but for now, 3D Realms is content to announce their latest hit: Earth No More.

Revealed in the latest Game Informer, Earth No More looks a bit like 28 Days Later crossed with War of the Worlds - but without any of the aliens.

The story opens in a small New England town quarantined due to a mysterious outbreak. Poison red Vines spread quickly, terraforming the environment and surrounding wildlife. Trying to avoid genre clichés, the source of the spore isn't from space, but man's own abuse and tampering of mother earth.

The main focus of the game will be on human interaction, with a conversation mechanic said to rival that of Mass Effect. The game's hero is a young chap in the epicentre of the outbreak, along with a team of four mates each with their own back stories, motivations and secrets. According to Game Informer, you'll get to see "real character growth" in the game.

" The development team is specifically moving away from what they call the 'lone hero,' while also avoiding a squad-based direction." The development team is also " intricately analyzing how group dynamics work in movies like the Alien, The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and 28 Days Later, hoping to emulate that kind of tension in game form."

Scheduled for 2009 release, Earth No More promises online co-op for the entire campaign, allowing players to jump in and control single-player enemies much like upcoming PC shooter The Crossing.