EA Sports Defends Its Decision To Stick With Tiger Woods

EA Sports Defends Its Decision To Stick With Tiger Woods EA Sports Defends Its Decision To Stick With Tiger Woods EA Sports Defends Its Decision To Stick With Tiger Woods

Following his admittance of having prolonged extramarital affairs with over a dozen women, many companies cut their ties with Tiger Woods and terminated any sponsorship deals they had with him. One of the companies that had to reconsider its relation with Woods is EA Sports which used to release a Tiger Woods PGA Tour game annually.

EA Sports, however, chose not to change its relationship with Woods. "Our relationship with Tiger has always been rooted in golf," the company's president Peter Moore wrote on his blog. "We didn't form a relationship with him so that he could act as an arm's length endorser. Far from it. We chose to partner with Tiger in 1997 because we saw him as the world's best, most talented and exciting golfer. We struck that partnership with the assumption that he would remain near or at the top of his sport for years to come."

"By his own admission, he's made some mistakes off the course. But regardless of what's happening in his personal life, and regardless of his decision to take a personal leave from the sport, Tiger Woods is still one of the greatest athletes in history. At EA SPORTS, we make authentic sports simulations. When we say "It's in the Game," it is not just a tag line but a statement about the quality and authenticity of the game experience. Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Online is truly representative of that rallying cry, and a game that all of us at EA SPORTS are proud to be delivering this month to sports fans around the globe. "