EA Sports Apologize For Wrong National Anthem

EA Sports Apologize For Wrong National Anthem EA Sports Apologize For Wrong National Anthem EA Sports Apologize For Wrong National Anthem EA Sports Apologize For Wrong National Anthem

Electronic Arts apologized to Northern Ireland for playing the Soldier's Song instead of their national anthem in UEFA Euro 2008.

Northern Ireland's proper anthem is God Save the Queen.

"At EA Sports, we pride ourselves on delivering rich and authentic videogame experiences," said EA Sports representative, Shaun White.

That apology has been welcomed by Sports Minister Gregory Campbell: "Any apology on this matter is most welcome. Obviously there's has been a lack of knowledge on the makers' part and hopefully it will be changed as soon as possible."

Interestingly, this mix up didn't happen in EA Sport's earlier FIFA and UEFA titles. It is also reported that the BBC was also forced to apologise after the Northern Ireland national anthem was referred to as "A Soldiers Song" on its Ceefax subtitle service prior to the game with newly crowned Euro Champions Spain in Las Palmas.