EA to publish non-exclusive Titanfall 2

EA to publish non-exclusive Titanfall 2

If you didn't notice, the recent release of Titanfall has been quite a large success for everyone involved. That's EA, Respawn and Microsoft, so of course a sequel is on the books already with EA signing up to publish it, but Microsoft won't get the exclusive console and Windows port it got for the original, as Respawn is making the next one multi-platform.

Or at least, that's what Gamespot's sources are saying.

If that is the case, then the amount of money Respawn stands to make from opening up the Titanfall sequel to other console platforms must be a lot larger than what Microsoft will no doubt have offered for another exclusive. Why wouldn't it have, the original helped nearly double Xbox One sales in the UK.

What those totals are, we'll probably never know, likewise on what Respawn was originally paid to keep the game locked to the Xbox platform.

However it sounds like Respawn always intended for its Titanfall franchise to be multi-platform, as after the initial exclusivity announcement, co-founder Vince Zampella stated that he was disappointed and of course he was, less people were going to play his game, even if the money would have been comparable.

He's also noted before about releasing Titanfall games on other platforms, referencing Sony as much as Nintendo, so perhaps we'll see Titanfall 2 appear on the Wii U at some point. It would certainly give the platform a much needed hardcore boost.