EA: Our Games Are Still Too Hard

EA: Our Games Are Still Too Hard

Apart from the odd Fallout, Dragon Age or Dead Space, it is safe to say that nearly all modern AAA titles are being dumbed down for the masses. While this doesn't sit well with hardcore gamers such as our fine readers, truth is, the bigwig gaming executives are hard at work dumbing down games even more.

Speaking to the audience at D.I.C.E. summit in Las Vegas, EA chief creative officer Richard Hilleman claimed that most EA games are still too hard and that they must be made simpler.

"Our games are actually still too hard to learn," he said during an on-stage interview with other developers. "The average player probably spends two hours to learn how to play the most basic game."

"And asking for two hours of somebody's time--most of our customers, between their normal family lives...to find two contiguous hours to concentrate on learning how to play a video game is a big ask."

Looks like sooner or later we'll have nowhere to play a challenging game except from indies.