EA: Medal Of Honor Won't Exploit The War In Afghanistan

EA: Medal Of Honor Won't Exploit The War In Afghanistan

The revelation that EA's upcoming Medal Of Honor will take place in Afghanistan has raised valid concerns that the game might end up exploiting an ongoing war that still claims human lives each day. EA LA's Sean Decker acknowledged those concerns but reassured fans that the design team is determined to avoid it. "I think, again, it was trying to stay out of all the politics," he said. "It's not going to be a big propaganda piece where we wave the flag, or anything like that. It's literally about the people that're on the ground." Decker then likened the game to movies such as The Hurt Locker taking place during the war in Iraq. "There's been a lot of really good movies -- the Gotham Awards just came out and Hurt Locker was the top one," Decker noted. "It has nothing to do with the war in Iraq and why it started, or anything else -- it's just about the men on the ground, what they go through on a day-to-day basis, and their emotions."