EA Exec Admits USD60 For Retail Games Is ‘Exploitative’

EA Exec Admits USD60 For Retail Games Is ‘Exploitative’

Speaking to Rock Paper Shotgun, EA's general manager of the company's free-to-play division Easy Studios, Ben Cousins, has called the company's standard business model of selling games for $60 "exploitative."

"I've been doing this for four years now, so it feels kind of normal to me - but I can't think of anything more exploitative than gating all of your content behind having to pay someone $60," he said. "That's a really harsh business model if you think about it objectively."

"What we do is enable everyone to play the game, and figure out if they like it. If they don't like it they can walk away and they don't lose anything. How many times have we all bought crappy games for $60, right? And the majority of people in our game spend less than that - the cost of a full-priced game."