EA Director: GDC Is A Peacock Display For Stupid Ideas

EA Director: GDC Is A Peacock Display For Stupid Ideas

It seems that EA Mythic's creative director Paul Barnett won't attend this year's annual Game Developers Conference because -in his own words- it is a "narrow minded" "peacock display" where he'll have to listen to views that are "ultimately stupid".

"I'm not going to GDC because it's combative, it's a peacock display and it's full of people who do what I do or want to do what I do or are doing what I do and don't want me to do it anymore," he said.

"It's not open-minded. It's very narrow-minded. We're all talking about the same thing. We've all sharpened our knives for years at it, so we get into... well, not a fight, but it's always about the same things."

"We talk about design, mechanics, philosophy of design. All I was going to hear about was: WoW and the Activision merger. Whether Spore is going to be any good. How do I get into the games industry? Would you like a job? You're going to be fired. Why don't you start a label?"

"While that's interesting, it's not interesting enough. It confuses me. I have to start to explain things I find blindingly obvious. I have to listen to people who say things which I find ultimately stupid. And I have to pay attention to people I don't want to pay attention to."

The full interview can be read at RockPaperShotgun.