EA CEO: Wii Will Fall To USD 99 Or Die

EA CEO: Wii Will Fall To USD 99 Or Die

In his interview with IndustryGamers, Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello expressed his belief that Wii is slowly dying as the new motion controllers from Sony and Microsoft stole most of its novelty factor.

In fact, Riccitiello believes that Wii has been slowly dying since 2006 due to Nintendo's reluctance to support third party developers.

"I think it's a frustration for all third-party publishers, when a platform holder does less to promote third-party content," he said. "...[Nintendo has] never really been a heavy third-party supporting system."

The EA CEO then expressed his belief that the best - and possibly the only - strategy for Nintendo would be to reduce Wii's price.

"I think if they were to price down to $99, [Nintendo] would explode," Riccitiello asserted.

Wii currently retails for $199, the same as the basic Xbox 360 bundle. An Xbox 360 plus Kinect costs $299 while a Playstation 3 bundled with Move costs $399, making Wii the cheapest motion controlled console in market.