EA CEO: We Will Milk Our Franchises To The Tenth Sequel

EA CEO: We Will Milk Our Franchises To The Tenth Sequel

EA is actively creating several new IPs, but that doesn't mean that they've forgot their old ways of milking their franchises to the ribs.

"As for titles like Dead Space and Mirror's Edge, I think you can absolutely expect those titles to come back in one way, shape or form, but they're not likely to be annual sequels," EA CEO John Riccitiello told one analyst during Thursday's earnings call.

"Warhammer Online is a subscription game... that's going to be monthly," he added, referring to updates.

One of EA's latest IPs is Mercenaries 2 (the original Mercenaries was published by Lucas Arts in 2005). Mr. Riccitiello wasn't shy to announce that "there will be a Mercenaries 3. And if I can have anything to do with it there will be a Mercenaries 10."