EA CEO: Internet TV More Important To Games Than 3D

EA CEO: Internet TV More Important To Games Than 3D

During a conference call, Electronic Arts' CEO John Riccitiello expressed his belief that internet TV services are more valuable for the future of gaming than other technologies such as stereoscopic 3D.

"If I had to pick between IPTV and 3D and which one would be more important for gaming - not necessarily for installed base for homes, because I'm sure that people are definitely going to want to watch Shrek in 3D at home - but for us, I actually think it's probably more potential in terms of new revenue and business model for us," Riccitiello explained.

"What derives from the IPTV side, we're watching that very carefully. So it's a priority that's high for us."

"There's absolutely no question that Internet TV is here to stay. It's a big story," he added. "And with CPU prices as reasonable as they are for powerful CPUs and hard drives priced as cheap as they are, you're going to see the equivalent of the minicomputer under the TV in the form of a device from Apple or Google or Samsung built in.

"I think the long-term opportunity there is significant. I think we'll ultimately move to be more-than-just-casual games. And I think it bodes well as we go from a world where, if you think about it, a minority of consumers around the world have got a game-ready device connected to their plasma or high-definition television to that being sort of a universal standard," the EA CEO concluded.