EA CEO: I Hate DRM But It Is Good

EA CEO: I Hate DRM But It Is Good EA CEO: I Hate DRM But It Is Good

"I personally hate DRM", EA CEO John Riccitiello said.

The EA SEO then continued: "I don't like the whole concept; it can be a little bit cumbersome. But I don't like locks on my door, and I don't like to use keys in my car... I'd like to live in a world where there are no passports. Unfortunately, we don't - and I think the vast majority of people voted with their wallets and went out and bought Spore."

John Riccitiello then went on to say that DRM criticizers are a "vocal minority" and that 99.8% of their users didn't even notice, but for the other 0.2 percent, it became an issue and a number of them launched a cabal online to protest against it".

"So far, Spore has outsold Sims 2," he noted. "Commercially, it's doing very well."

"Everyone gets that we need some level of protection, or we're going to be in business for free," Riccitiello says. But he sees a lack of understanding among "a minority of people that orchestrated a great PR program. They picked the highest-profile game they could find," he says. "I respect them for the success of their movement."

"'I'm guessing that half of them were pirates, and the other half were people caught up in something that they didn't understand. If I'd had a chance to have a conversation with them, they'd have gotten it."