EA: Army Of Two's Tone Didn't Work

EA: Army Of Two's Tone Didn't Work EA: Army Of Two's Tone Didn't Work EA: Army Of Two's Tone Didn't Work EA: Army Of Two's Tone Didn't Work

Before Army of Two was released, it's highly cooperative gameplay garnered much fan enthusiasm, but this didn't translate to sales after the game was launched.

"What didn't work was really the tone," executive producer Reid Schneider explained. A lot of reviewers and players felt that Army of Two heroes' cheerful attitude isn't appropriate in the game's violent wartime.

However, "if you think about it on a scale, that's a good problem to have -- tone is more easily fixable than having people say, 'You know what? I don't even like the core fantasy or the core gameplay that you're doing,'" Schneider mused before promising to "build upon all the features, fix the stuff that didn't work, fix the tone, and make [Army of Two sequel] the experience we wanted."