Duke Nukem Gets A Release Date

Duke Nukem Gets A Release Date Duke Nukem Gets A Release Date Duke Nukem Gets A Release Date Duke Nukem Gets A Release Date

2K Games and Gearbox Software announced that legendary hero Duke Nukem will make his triumphant return in Duke Nukem Forever on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC on May 3, 2011 in North America and May 6, 2011 internationally!

"The moment fans all over the world have been waiting for is almost here," declared Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. "May 3, 2011 marks Duke's return as he unleashes his brash and brutally honest wit on the world. His return is going to be epic and one that will make video gaming history!"

The alien hordes are invading and only Duke can save the world. Pig cops, alien shrink rays and enormous alien bosses can't stop our hero from accomplishing his one and only goal: to save the world, save the babes and to be a bad-ass while doing it. The King arrives with an arsenal of over-the-top weapons, non-stop action, and unprecedented levels of interactivity. This game puts the pedal to the metal and tongue firmly in cheek. Shoot hoops, lift weights, read adult magazines, draw crude messages on whiteboards or ogle the many hot women that occupy Duke's life - that is if you can pull yourself away long enough from destroying alien invaders. Duke Nukem was and will forever be a gaming icon, and this is his legend.

We never thought that we'd actually say it, but it seems that Duke Nukem might be released after all.

P.S. Make sure to check out the awesome box art in the screens tab.