DS Lite Cracking Under Pressure - Update

DS Lite Cracking Under Pressure - Update DS Lite Cracking Under Pressure - Update

Nintendo has responded to reports claiming that a large number of DS Lite consoles were presenting with cracks on the left hinge of the cover. The company has tried to play down the number of faulty consoles but has accepted to repair DS Lites that have a cracked hinge that is not due to misuse.

The wording of the response seems to suggest that they are willing to repair the units but wish to do so in the most subtle of ways. The official Nintendo comment reads:

In the U.S., the reported number of small cosmetic cracks in the plastic hinge of DS Lite systems represents less than 0.02 percent of the total units sold. This cosmetic issue in no way impacts the gameplay or integrity of the DS Lite. Nintendo stands behind the quality of our products and encourages DS Lite owners to contact our Customer Service Department if they are not happy with the functionality of their systems.

The entire Nintendo statement seems to suggest that the company is concerned that many people that have mistreated their handhelds may try to take advantage of the offer to repair cracked hinges. This issue however, is the direct result of an assembly or manufacturing flaw so our best advice to the Japanese giant is to grin and bear it. According to some MegaGames readers, Nintendo has already agreed to send out a UPS label to inspect the cracked DS Lites. The company has hinted that there may be an issue with the overtightening of the handheld's lid and it will only accept to repair, free of charge, those consoles found to have an overtightened part. According to Nintendo CS the handhelds will be returned in 2-3 weeks with a new 1 year warranty.

Please use the comments section to inform MG readers of your experiences with Nintendo customer service.

A large number of DS Lite owners have been reporting that their handhelds are presenting a very specific fault; a crack on the left hinge of the device. It seems that quite a few of the users were alerted to the existence of the fault by reports from other owners experiencing the problem.

There's trouble in paradise as Nintendo's honeymoon with public opinion, largely due to the marketing success of the Wii and the sales of the DS, may be coming to an abrupt end. A story that begun as a lonely thread in a gaming forum has spiraled out of control as more and more DS Lite users have stepped up to confirm that their unit also has the same crack on the left hinge that joins the main unit with the lid. Many users fail to notice the problem as it starts off as a tiny hairline crack, only to eventually turn into a bigger problem as can be seen from the images. I first thought the hairline crack was a pencil mark and tried to use a pencil eraser to erase it. It didn't go away but since it was very thin, I didn't worry about it. A week later, I noticed the crack got bigger. claims user Kerochan from the MaxConsole forums.

It seems that no DS Lite is safe as the same problem has been reported with white devices, blue ones and Japanese imports. There have been some suggestions that this issue may be a result of a design flaw and the most prominent theory suggests that the culprit may be the lock that holds the lid up once it is fully opened. The crack seems to align with the lock although we would have to wait for Nintendo's official word before we can draw any conclusions.

There are some voices claiming that a little SuperGlue will fix the problem but you have to remember that a person who pays for a brand new product, however affordable it may be, has the right to desire it to be in good working order for some time. Additionally, SuperGlue sounds like a temporary solution as you will, eventually, need to open and close the lid again and at some point the problem will resurface.

The most worrying aspect of this issue has to do with some user reports suggesting that when they contacted Nintendo regarding the problem they were told it is not covered by the warranty and that an additional cost of USD 50 will have to be paid for the repair.

We are certain that if Nintendo does recognize that there is a design flaw with the DS Lite it will make sure that owners are allowed to repair or replace their handheld as needed. Treating customers fairly, after all, is the greatest sign of an industry giant.