Dropsy confirms my coulrophobia in a creepy pixel world

Dropsy confirms my coulrophobia in a creepy pixel world

Fear and creepyness isn't all about jump scares and darkness. Sometimes it can be the uncanny valley-ness of a clown wandering around slowly in daylight with a near-toothless grin in a pixel world. That's what Dropsy is all about.

It's a hug-and click game from indie-dev Devolver Digital, that sees you taking control of Dropsy, who wants to clear his name. He didn't kill his family in a fire (or at least claims not) and much like he's going to have to convince the player that he's the good guy, he has to get everyone else to believe that too.

It is difficult though, as Dropsy looks like a bad guy from typical video games. He's creepy looking, has missing teeth, a large cartoonish face and the world itself is full of dirty pixels and bizarre artwork.

Initially a Kickstarter success back in 2013, Dropsy has taken a while to arrive, but he's finally showed his face. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

However if you fancy braving the bright and colorful - albeit odd looking - world, you can do so now for $10 on GoG, Steam or the official site.