Driveclub fan tricks Nissan into thinking screengrabs are real cars

Driveclub fan tricks Nissan into thinking screengrabs are real cars

Tweeting an image of a pair of Nissan sportscars racing one another to the official Nissan account, Twitter user Chris "Captcook96" probably didn't expect much of a response. However when he received a compliment on his photography skills, he took the ball and ran with it.

Despite the fact that the image wasn't taken in the real world at all, but within the PS4 racing simulator Driveclub.

It took a friend of his to point this out, as Chris evidently wanted to keep the ruse going for a little longer. However when it was pointed out, whoever is behind the NIssan account seemed to be a good sport, stating that they didn't look closely enough and that "graphics these days are ridiculous."

Indeed they are, though racing games have always seemed a bit ahead of the curve since shiny, reflective surfaces like those on brand new and perfectly washed cars, are rather easy to recreate in-game compared to more complicated, semi-translucent surfaces like skin. Those have only really become more realistic in the past few years thanks to sub-surface scattering, which replicates the way light bounces around underneath the skin to create its tone in the real world.

Now I'm just thinking about cars covered in human skin. That sounds like an terrible expansion for the Mad Max game.

[Thanks Kotaku]