Dreamfall Slips to Spring 2006

Dreamfall Slips to Spring 2006 Dreamfall Slips to Spring 2006

Funcom announced that Dreamfall: The Longest Journey has slipped and will now launch in the spring of 2006. The highly anticipated adventure title was initially slated for a Q4 2005 release. The reasons given by Funcom suggested that additional months of development were needed in order to ensure the highest possible quality and to give the game a more favorable release time slot. The game will be released simultaneously on Xbox and Windows.

Since Funcom announced Dreamfall, the game has gone on to win a variety of Best Adventure Game of E3 awards. As a follow-up to The Longest Journey, Dreamfall takes the genre in a new direction. Direct action, an interactive 3D world, stealth elements, combat and numerous action adventure mechanics are only a few of the many features in Dreamfall, yet with the classic adventure game at heart. Dreamfall is an action-adventure featuring three playable characters, dozens of locations spanning three worlds, exciting set-pieces with multiple outcomes, action-packed adventure gameplay, and an epic and emotional storyline.

More information about the game can be found by following the download tab above.