Dreamcast is Dead... Long Live DC

Dreamcast is Dead... Long Live DC Dreamcast is Dead... Long Live DC

Every now and then you get a news story that demands you read it twice before you actually realize what is going on. No, it's not confirmation of new XBox 360 shipments or a comment by Kutaragi-san that makes some sense. This time Sega has caused some MG heads to turn while I personally partook in some extensive eye-rolling, as the company has announced another brand new title for... Dreamcast.

Radiligy, the first new Dreamcast title coming in February 2006, was only the beginning and the Japanese software maker has decided that owners of its last console should get a new treat in March 2006. Under Defeat is a helicopter top-down shooter that has already made an impact as an arcade title in Japan and will be making its way to Dreamcast on March 23, 2006.

The game will be available in Japan for the equivalent of USD 52 while it is expected that import stores will be offering pre-orders for it soon enough.