Doom 3 XBox Not This Year

Doom 3 XBox Not This Year

The Xbox version of Doom 3, the highly anticipated PC game recently released, is unlikely to make a 2004 appearance, dealing a blow to XBox owners and Microsoft alike.

id Software Chief Executive Todd Hollenshead, confirmed that the developer is still hard at work on the port but when asked about a release date gave the classic, Duke Nukem reply, it will be ready when its ready.

It's probably not going to come out this year, Hollenshead said. Back in May, we were kind of hoping we'd have a holiday launch. I'm not sure we're going to get there.

It was initially expected that a late-October release was possible for the XBox version of the game but recent developments are suggesting that even a holiday 2004 launch is unlikely.

The PC version of the game, according to Hollenshead, has sold over 300,000 units in its first week on store shelves, a very confident performance for a PC game, especially when considering that titles such as Half-Life 2, Full Spectrum Warrior and Nam '67 are also expected to launch for the PC within the next month or so.

Hollenshead also confirmed that id Software has begun preliminary work on a new game, but refused to discuss details.

We don't even have a name for it yet, more of just a general direction, he told Reuters.