Don't panic, Sony knows the PSN is down

Don't panic, Sony knows the PSN is down

The PlayStation Network is down and that means PS gamers around the world can't get online, can't shoot each other and can't call each other horrendous names, but don't worry, Sony is on the case and it's well aware.

Complaints began appearing on forums and social networks within the past hour and they've only been multiplying since. This isn't during a scheduled maintenance time and Sony hasn't released any sort of statement saying that this was planned in any guise. It has however said it's investigating, so hopefully it's not a downing that lasts too long.

Currently servers are listed as offline in all regions, suggesting something major has occurred at the top level, rather than just someone DDOSing some local servers.

This isn't the traditional time of years for hackers to strike either. Often they make their presence most known during major holidays like Christmas or New Year, where people are expected to be trying out new games and looking to play with loved ones across the world.

Getting server stability all ready for the next few months isn't a bad thing though, so hopefully this outage means we'll have smooth sailing through the Christmas period this time around.