Does Master Chief Collection work for you guys yet?

Does Master Chief Collection work for you guys yet?

A few weeks ago we pulled stats from a few different people's playtest experience with the Halo: Master Chief Collection and found that a large number of people were still struggling to find a game to play, or at least find one that wasn't mismatched in some manner, some 12 weeks after the game's release.

It was totally unacceptable and many people believe that with Microsoft rushing the game out of the door in such a broken state, that it ultimately damaged the Halo franchise irreparably. The only way it could hope to claw back some of that fan love would be to fix the game and make it workable and it may be that over four months since the game released, 343 has managed it.

Kotaku is reporting that matchmaking times have finally hit acceptable levels, despite, presumably dwindling player numbers. Although some game modes and matches are taking up to five minutes to find, many of the more popular modes are finding games in under 30 seconds. Though the average seems to be around two minutes.

Although hardly snappy, this is much better than we saw just a few weeks ago.

So the question is, have you guys been having similarly positive experiences? And if so, does it make up in any way for all the downtime the game has had?