The Division player reaches 99 Rank cap after 130 hours

The Division player reaches 99 Rank cap after 130 hours

Gaming is a lot of things to a lot of people. To some it's a welcome escape at the end of a long day, for others a way to compete against against other real people in a contest of skill and dexterity, but for others, it's a challenge to overcome - often as quickly as possible.

We see it in the form of speedrunners, and more pointedly for this story, those that like to be first to achieve something in-game.

In the case of the Division, that's user Chaos 3SK, who has rushed his way to level 30, Dark Zone rank 99 in the game, despite it being out for only a couple of weeks. He began his crusage to the top of the pile level than a minute after the original servers went live and has spent almost every waking moment since - more than 130 hours in-fact.

Purportedly, in his first week of play he got just 15 hours sleep, which although shows real dedication, can not be healthy.

For those of you that can't understand this way to spend your free time, consider too that this was something Chaos was actively pushing for, not just a by-product of playing the game. That means he picked all of the XP boosting items he could and had a farming route that he took through the game, killing the same enemies over and over in an attempt to get the most XP and be the first to a trophy that few other people wanted.

Ubisoft did give him a pat on the back for his actions though and promised more content for players like him soon enough.

For now though we'd hope Chaos is doing something else. Maybe getting some shut eye.