Digitimes: Intel Delays CPUs To Harass AMD's Triple Core

Digitimes: Intel Delays CPUs To Harass AMD's Triple Core Digitimes: Intel Delays CPUs To Harass AMD's Triple Core Digitimes: Intel Delays CPUs To Harass AMD's Triple Core

According to Digitimes, "Intel has already notified its partners that it will push back the launch of the three CPUs to February or March next year, depending on AMD's schedule for triple-core and the upcoming Phenom CPUs".

Intel's original plans intended to have three new 45nm quad core CPUs released in January, 2008, but suddenly, the CPU giant decided to delay them for unannounced reasons.

It makes no financial sense for Intel to launch a new product when its own 65nm quad core CPUs are dominating the market. The three CPUs that Intel plans to delay are the Core 2 Quad Q9300, Q9450 and Q9550.

Off the record, an Intel employee commented that "It's a gigantic stretch and almost humorous to think [Intel] would delay products based on a rumored ongoing delays of a competitive product line announced just six days ago."