Did He Just Say F**k Halo?

Did He Just Say F**k Halo? Did He Just Say F**k Halo?

On his blog, God of War creator David Jaffe posted an AIM conversation log between him and Sony designer Adam Orth where they discuss and criticize both Halo and Medal of Honor.

The conversation was initiated by Orth showing Jaffe Halo 3's latest advertisement. Jaffe's response was "I don't know if I am simply not 'getting it' and it really is all that... or Microsoft has simply purchased rabid fan reactions for what is a great game but nothing more." Later on Jaffe clarified that "that's what I mean about buying the hype. I don't dislike Halo at all and really liked parts of Halo 2 a lot ... [but] I hear people talk about the flood and shit and I'm like: what? Who gives a shit."

Adam Orth, who have worked with Jaffe on TM:Black and Calling All Cars, displayed his Halo-hatred and claimed that its latest advertisement is "(1) disrespectcful to actual veterans of real wars and 2, they really expect people to become that invested in the halo story?". The conversation quickly branched to discussing Medal of Honor's (dis)respect for World War Soldiers and Adam concluded that "either the [Medal of Honor development] team doesn't understand how to apply the history 'under the hood' and apply it to the play itself OR it shows that EA does not care about the message at all, and it's all a way to market the game" and that "they can cram all the sappy music and interviews with vets on the disc they want...but the game, the product they are actually selling, does not make me feel any closer to the vets sacrifice than any other shooter."

When Jaffe asked for Adam's permission to post the conversation log and warned him that Halo fans will hate them both, Adam responded with a simple uncensored "F**k Halo".

You can read the whole conversation through the downloads tab.

"ADAM: actaully, i stand by what i said, you can print my name, just leave out "f**k halo"

JAFFE: shit really? Ok.

ADAM: ok, print it
f*k it"