Did Epic kill Razer's game store?

Did Epic kill Razer's game store?

Razer has its fingers in a lot of pies, but one that it's firmly removed its digits from, licking them clean as it does so, is the online digital game store. Just 10 months after launch the Razer Game Store, Razer has now announced its permanent closure starting 1AM PST on February 28, 2019.

"It has been a privilege for us to recommend and deliver great digital game deals to you," Razer said in an update on its Game Store FAQ page. "We have been extremely fortunate to have you as part of our awesome community. Thank you for the support and making all this possible."

The reason for the closure is said to be due to an overall "realignment," of the company's plans for its online presence in the gaming industry. It did clarify, however, that Razer fans with existing Razer Gold would still be able to use the currency and that Razer was looking into other ways that they could take advantage of it in the future.

To clear up any further concerns gamers have, Razer's FAQ answers a number of other questions. It has confirmed that all games purchased through the store will continue to work after February 28 and any pre-ordered games will also be supplied as planned on their intended launch date.

Although any Razer Game Store discount codes will no longer be valid after February 28, if you do buy any games from Razer you are still eligible for its support system in the future. If you run into problems with any of the games, Razer urges you to get in touch with your local Razer support team for your native language.

The question we're still wondering though, is whether any of this has to do with the super success of Epic's Game Store? Although selling games online has always been a tough job when competing with Steam, having another super store to contend with might have been enough to see Razer end its support for its own.

What do you think?