Diablo 3 To Keep Its Colors

Diablo 3 To Keep Its Colors Diablo 3 To Keep Its Colors Diablo 3 To Keep Its Colors Diablo 3 To Keep Its Colors Diablo 3 To Keep Its Colors

Diablo 3 has been announced less than 3 weeks ago and more than 50,000 of its fans have already signed a petition asking the game designers to change its colorful art style to a darker tone.

Fortunately for the rest of us, this isn't enough to convince Blizzard to reconsider Diablo 3 art direction.

There's no going back now," said Jay Wilson, Diablo 3 lead designer. "We're very happy with how the art style is. The art team's happy. The company's happy. We really like this art style, and we're not changing it."

Wilson then revealed that moving away from the darker gothic art style of Diablo 2 was one of the most discussed topics among Diablo 3 designers, but ultimately gameplay was the factor that settled it. "When you have 30 creatures on screen - and four or five different types - target prioritization is a factor," he explained. "You need to be able to tell those things apart fast, and you can't do that when your world is gray and your creatures are gray".