Devs. show off Dying Light coop play

Devs. show off Dying Light coop play

If you were wondering how the cooperative mode for the upcoming zombie parkour title, Dying Light would play out, then wonder no more, as the developers of the game have released a video showing how it plays out.

Teamwork is a big part of it, with players having to work together to take on the larger hordes of the undead and to find some of the best equipment. Fighting some of the game's tougher enemies, like human soldiers, will also mean working together.

You can even play two a side football.

One of the better parts of the game however is that after you've completed the tutorial, you can team up with your friends to play through the entire story campaign together.

Dying Light releases on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on January 27 in NA, and around the world rest of the world on the 28th and 30th.