Devil May Cry 4 Is 'Getting Pirated To Hell And Back'

Devil May Cry 4 Is 'Getting Pirated To Hell And Back' Devil May Cry 4 Is 'Getting Pirated To Hell And Back' Devil May Cry 4 Is 'Getting Pirated To Hell And Back' Devil May Cry 4 Is 'Getting Pirated To Hell And Back'

Capcom admitted that Devil May Cry 4 US sales is underwhelming, but blamed it - as usual - on piracy.

"I'm not sure about how Capcom in general feels but It's not doing as well as I would like in the US at retail", said Capcom vice president of strategic planning Christian Svensson. "It's such a good version and it really deserves better sales. I know it's getting pirated to hell and back (it was up on torrents literally the day it shipped)."

To help boost the game's sales, Svensson suggested offering Devil May Cry 4 as a digital download but Capcom Japan refused.

"For the record ALL CEI developed titles will be distributed extremely widely via digital channels (not just Steam or Direct2Drive, but more than a dozen partners across more than 100 sites/portals for everything we do)", he said. "I've spent the last year building up that channel and I'm continuing to add partners even in advance of Age of Booty, MotoGP, Neopets, Dark Void and Flock shipping."