Deus Ex: The Fall Launch Trailer Released

Deus Ex

Today is the day that the sequel to Deus Ex: Human Evolution lands on iOS. Called , it follows the actions of Ben Saxon, who used to be a soldier and a mercenary, but now he's begun to "fight back," against individuals in "the shadows" and he's gathering a team around him to do it.

Available to play on anything from an iPad 3 or iPad Mini and up for tablet users, and iPhone 4s and up for mobile gamers, The Fall is being hailed by many as one of the first true, hardcore gaming experiences on a mobile device.

It features stealth sequences and fast paced combat, all of which has been optimised for the mobile experience, while providing a new story, that continues the legacy of the Deus Ex franchise.

As you can tell from the trailer below, this is a very good looking game, with decent physics and texture quality, along with some interesting features that show the franchise has translated quite faithfully to the new platform.

What do you guys think? I'm an Android user so can't check this one out at the moment, but perhaps one of our iPhone readers can let us know what they think?