Destiny alpha is about to get "dangerous"

Destiny alpha is about to get "dangerous"

If you've been playing the Destiny Alpha, you'll no doubt be a little sad that it's coming to an end soon. However, Bungie has just tweeted out saying that it has plans to keep it running a little longer and for those that stay, there'll be some "dangerous experiments," to contend with.

"There's a rumor that the #Destiny Alpha might be extended to allow dangerous experiments. Play beyond the official close at your own risk," reads the official Tweet.

Since we know alpha characters will not be carrying over to the beta, chances are there will be something monstrous that permakills everyone, but perhaps you'll get a chance to fight it off with every other person that knows their number's up.

They could also pull a Matrix Online and give everyone god powers, but that didn't turn out so great back then.

Have any of you guys been playing the Destiny Alpha? If so, what did you think of it?