Dead Space Hardbook Comic In Stores Today

Dead Space Hardbook Comic In Stores Today Dead Space Hardbook Comic In Stores Today Dead Space Hardbook Comic In Stores Today Dead Space Hardbook Comic In Stores Today Dead Space Hardbook Comic In Stores Today

Today, in association with Image Comics the hardbook comic titled Dead Space hits comic book stores nationwide and will hit Amazon, Border's and Barnes and Noble at the end of the month.

The Dead Space hardbook serves as a prequel story for the award-winning videogame that tells the tale of a deep space mining colony that unexpectedly pulls an ancient and vicious alien life force from the dark rock. The Dead Space hardbook combines all 6 Dead Space comics written by Antony Johnson and illustrated by Ben Templesmith with exclusive cover art by Templesmith, an exclusive bonus art section, and a background section on the major characters.

Dead Space is a bold and bloody sci-fi survival horror game set 500 years in the future. It follows the story of Isaac Clarke, a normal systems engineer, who is sent with a small repair team to restore communications aboard an immense mining ship, the USG Ishimura. It's a living nightmare onboard the Ishimura, as the crew has been unspeakably mutilated and infected by an ancient alien scourge. Clarke's repair mission becomes one of survival as he fights not just to save himself, but to return the artifact to the planet at any cost.

Dead Space the videogame is now available on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the PC.