Dave Bautista wants to head up Gears of War movie

Dave Bautista wants to head up Gears of War movie

Ex-wrestler and fan favorite from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, Dave Bautista, is gunning hard for the leading role in an upcoming Gears of War movie, claiming that he'd be a perfect fit for the role. Considering his acumen, we wouldn't disagree -- at least not in earshot anyway.

During a recent Q&A session with Gamespot, one fan asked Bautista whether he would ever consider playing the role of Marcus Fenix in a Gears of War movie. He has. In fact, it turns out he's been actively trying to get the role for years.

Playing Marcus Fenix would be a dream role for him, he said, suggesting that Universal -- which owns the rights to the Gears of War property -- is probably sick of the amount of time he's spent badgering them about it. He ends his response by asking anyone excited by the idea to start a petition to try and force Universal's hand.

While that might not go far, the endorsement of people who helped create the Gears of War games might help. Original game developer, Cliff Blezinski made sure to show his support.

Fans of the franchise have been making their suggestions about who else could join Bautista in the franchise. It seems hard to imagine finding a group of men and (especially women) with the right physical attributes for such a cast, but is there anyone that comes to mind for you guys?