Darkest Dungeon is getting a new Vampire class in new DLC

Darkest Dungeon is getting a new Vampire class in new DLC

The first major downloadable content patch for rogue-like dungeon delving, sanity sapping experience, Darkest Dungeon, is on its way and it's going to bring new vampire class characters with it. Called The Crimson Court, it's set for release in January next year and will have a bundle of new content, though the specifics remain a mystery for now.

"The Blood! I must have the blood!" reads the tagline with the promotional image, which shows the blood sucking individuals donning Georgian era clothing and hairstyles, giving them a much more classic Vampire Count look than some of the more contemporary interpretations of the undead.

There are no sparkles or terrible 'love' story here.

While we do know that there will be a new character class out of this, what we don't know is what else the update will bring. Presumably though, we're looking at at least one new Dungeon to Explore, perhaps in a different part of the old mansion's underground labyrinth, which will give explorers another way to lose sanity and health along the way.

The DLC will be available on PC, MAC, Linux, PS4 and Vita when released in January.