Dark Souls trilogy could see re-release on Nintendo Switch

Dark Souls trilogy could see re-release on Nintendo Switch

One of the biggest problems with the Wii U as a system was its lack of third party support. Due to a focus on family gaming over more hardcore titles and a low uptake by consumers, many of the world's biggest developers and publishers ended up not supporting the console and that was a big contributor to it being Nintendo's least popular console ever.

That's not going to be the case with the Nintendo Switch. The new-gen console set to debut in March next year, is already seeing a lot of support from developers, casual and hardcore. From Software, the makers of the Dark Souls series of games have already managed to get Dark Souls working on developmental hardware and could be set to re-release the whole trilogy on the console when it releases next year.

Let's Play VideoGames also suggests that any sort of port could include the full history of DLC for the games, though this is still mostly rumor for now.

We're told that it only took a small team within From Software a few months to make Dark Souls playable on the Switch at an acceptable level of performance. While there is no doubt in our mind that the hardware inside the switch will be capable of playing the quite drab and not traditionally visually impressive Dark Souls games, moving to a new platform is never 100 percent smooth,

Here's hoping that Nintendo copied the Xbox One and PS4 in making the hardware in the Switch as PC-like as possible.

Image source: Bago Games/Flickr