Cyberpunk 2077 delayed again to December 10

Cyberpunk 2077 delayed again to December 10

CR Projekt has once again delayed the release of its next project, Cyberpunk 2077, despite already going through months of crunch time to bring it to completion. The game has now been pushed back another three weeks to December 10. Most fans are understanding that, as the saying goes, a late game can still be good, but a bad game is bad forever. Others have complained that they took time off work to play the game, only for that to now not be possible. First world problems at their finest, considering how many people have lost jobs in recent months.

Others still have raised concerns over yet more pressure being heaped on the already overworked developers who are tasked with finishing the game.

Cyberpunk 2077 has been long expected and awaited by fans for years already, with CDPR having delayed the game from its original April 2020 release, to September, and then to November... now December.

The CDPR statement on the delay suggested that the big challenge has been getting so many different versions of the game working for launch. Not only is it launching on PC, but current generation consoles, next-generations consoles, and streaming platforms simultaneously. That means Xbox One, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S, and X, PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, PC, and Stadia. It's close, we're told, with just three more weeks needed to polish everything, but it's still another three weeks of frantic development time for the team working on it.

Hopefully this is the last of the delays, for their sake. Months of working six or seven day weeks and not seeing your family as much as you'd like can take a real tole on developers and doesn't always lead to an ideal gaming experience with the end result either.